Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stress Reliever Activity (not necessarily garden related!)

I just discovered Instagram.
In case you aren't familiar with it, Instagram is a free photo app for the I-phone that provides you with filters to apply to the pics you take with the app. It has an entire community of people taking and sharing really creative and amazing pictures.
It has added a whole new level of creativity to my I-phone picture taking. (which is - I must admit- the vast majority of my picture taking!)
Needing some stress relieving creativity that won't add to my already crammed schedule, I decided to participate in the March Photo of the Day project over at Fat Mum Slim.
So many fun people participating!!!
Now to get started!

~ If you are on Instagram you can follow me @posymosey (I have taken all of 3 pics so far!)

The Stressed-Out Gardener

The weather here has been gorgeous! Perfect gardening weather!
Yet I have spent ZERO time in the yard! BOO!
Right now I am almost finished with an insanely busy 8 week semester at school. One week to go and all will return to normal - at least for a little while!
I tried to do some garden planning. I read some blogs that were lovely and helpful. I tried some really cool online planning thingy-ma-bobs.
I was getting nowhere! I wish I had the time and energy to devote to a vegetable garden plan and learning all the ins and outs of straight line planting, square-foot planting, companion planting and whatever other types of planting there are out there, but frankly I don't.
And instead of being relaxing and fun I was getting all stressed out about what I should be doing, and figuring out the right way, the right varieties, the right time to do everything.
I just wanted someone to give me some clear direction, a clear plan, something to follow.

Enter this book

And I let out a big sigh of relief! I needed something straight-forward, clear, and simple to follow and this fit the bill.
SO that is where we are - until after next week!